For the purposes of sections 514.970 to 514.979, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them.
"Self-service storage facility" means real property that is designed and used only for renting or leasing individual storage space in the facility under the following conditions:
(1) the occupants have access to their individual storage space only for the purpose of storing and removing their personal property;
(2) the owner does not issue a warehouse receipt, bill of lading, or other document of title for the personal property stored in the storage space; and
(3) the property has two or more individual storage spaces.
The term does not include a garage used principally for parking motor vehicles or any property of a financial institution that contains vaults, safe deposit boxes, or other receptacles for the uses, purposes, and benefits of the financial institution's customers.
"Owner" means one or more persons, jointly or severally, who are either the owner of a self-service storage facility, or the lessor of an entire self-service storage facility, and who receive rent from an occupant under a rental agreement entered into with the occupant.
"Occupant" means a person who rents storage space at a self-service storage facility under a rental agreement entered into with the owner.
"Rental agreement" means a written agreement that is entered into by the owner and the occupant and that establishes the terms and conditions of the occupant's use of storage space at a self-service storage facility.
"Personal property" means money and every inanimate tangible thing that is the subject of ownership. The term does not include anything forming part of a parcel of real estate and agricultural commodities.
"Default" means failure of the occupant to pay the rent and other charges becoming due under the rental agreement within 15 days after the rents and other charges become due under the terms of the rental agreement.
"Storage space" means an enclosure, cubicle, or room that is fully enclosed and equipped with a door designed to be locked for security by the occupant.
"Security deposit" means any deposit of money with the owner used to secure performance under the rental agreement.
1988 c 425 s 2