[Repealed, 2003 c 2 art 5 s 17]
Within ten days of receiving a request for mediation that the chief administrative law judge of the state Office of Administrative Hearings has required under section 414.12, subdivision 1, the bureau shall provide written notice of the request for mediation to the parties and provide a list of neutrals experienced in land use planning and local government issues obtained from the Supreme Court, Bureau of Mediation Services, Minnesota State Bar Association, Hennepin County Bar Association, Office of Dispute Resolution, and others. Within 30 days thereafter, the affected parties, shall select a mediator from the list of neutrals or someone else acceptable to the parties and submit to mediation for a period of 30 days facilitated by the bureau. If the dispute remains unresolved after the close of the 30-day mediation period, the bureau shall prepare a report of its recommendations and transmit the report within 30 days to the parties. Within 60 days after the date of issuance of the mediator's report, the dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration as provided in this chapter. The mediator's report submitted to the parties is informational only and is not admissible in arbitration.
1997 c 202 art 6 s 2; 2003 c 2 art 5 s 14; 2008 c 196 art 2 s 13