When an execution against property of the judgment debtor, or of any one of several debtors in the same judgment, is issued to the sheriff of the county where the debtor resides, or, if the debtor does not reside in the state, to the sheriff of a county where the judgment roll, or a transcript of a judgment, is filed, is returned unsatisfied, in whole or in part, the judgment creditor is entitled to an order from the judge of the district court of the district where the judgment was originally docketed or is subsequently filed, requiring the judgment debtor, or, if a corporation, any officer thereof, to appear and answer concerning the property, at a time and place specified in the order, before a judge or a referee therein named. If the person required to answer is, at the time of the service of the order, a resident of the state, or has an office in the state for the regular transaction of business in person, that person cannot be compelled to attend, pursuant to the order or to any adjournment, at a place without the county of residence or of the place of business.
(9450) RL s 4320; 1979 c 53 s 1; 1986 c 444