An insurer shall institute, implement, and maintain an antifraud plan. For the purpose of this section, the term insurer does not include reinsurers, the Workers' Compensation Reinsurance Association, self-insurers, and excess insurers. Within 30 days after instituting or modifying an antifraud plan, the insurer shall notify the commissioner in writing. The notice must include the name of the person responsible for administering the plan. An antifraud plan shall establish procedures to:
(1) prevent insurance fraud, including: internal fraud involving the insurer's officers, employees, or agents; fraud resulting from misrepresentations on applications for insurance; and claims fraud;
(2) report insurance fraud to appropriate law enforcement authorities; and
(3) cooperate with the prosecution of insurance fraud cases.
The commissioner may review each insurer's antifraud plan to determine whether it complies with the requirements of this section. If the commissioner finds that an insurer's antifraud plan does not comply with the requirements of this section, the commissioner shall disapprove the plan and send a notice of disapproval, along with the reasons for disapproval, to the insurer. An insurer whose antifraud plan has been disapproved by the commissioner shall submit a new plan to the commissioner within 60 days after the plan was disapproved. The commissioner may examine an insurer's procedures to determine whether the insurer is complying with its antifraud plan. The commissioner shall withhold from public inspection any part of an insurer's antifraud plan for so long as the commissioner deems the withholding to be in the public interest.
1994 c 574 s 4; 1995 c 258 s 11