Each insurer that uses an agent or broker in a life insurance or annuity sale shall:
(a) Require with or as part of each completed application for life insurance or annuity, a statement signed by the agent or broker as to whether the agent or broker knows replacement is or may be involved in the transaction.
(b) Where a replacement is involved:
(1) require from the agent or broker with the application for life insurance or annuity, a copy of the fully completed and signed replacement notice provided the applicant under section 61A.55. The existing life insurance or annuity must be identified by name of insurer, insured, and contract number. If a number has not been assigned by the existing insurer, alternative identification, such as an application or receipt number, must be listed; and
(2) send to each existing insurer a written communication advising of the replacement or proposed replacement and the identification information obtained under this section. This written communication must be made within five working days of the date that the application is received in the replacing insurer's home or regional office, or the date the proposed policy or contract is issued, whichever is sooner.
(c) The replacing insurer shall maintain evidence of the "notice regarding replacement" and a replacement register, cross-indexed, by replacing agent and existing insurer to be replaced. Evidence that all requirements were met shall be maintained for at least six years.
(d) The replacing insurer shall provide in its policy or contract, or in a separate written notice that is delivered with the policy or contract, that the applicant has a right to an unconditional refund of all premiums paid, which right may be exercised within a period of 30 days beginning from the date of delivery of the policy.
1996 c 446 art 1 s 17; 2008 c 344 s 8