No individual or group policy of dental insurance offered for sale to a Minnesota resident by an insurer regulated under this chapter, individual or group service plan or subscriber contract regulated under chapter 62C, health maintenance contract regulated under chapter 62D, or fraternal contract benefit regulated under chapter 64B, shall subject any policyholder, subscriber, or enrollee to undue exposure to radiation by requiring a health care provider to take or obtain x-rays that are not directly related to patient care.
Any health care provider receiving such a request may refuse to provide x-rays not necessary to the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. An insurer, nonprofit health service plan corporation, health maintenance organization, fraternal benefit society, or dental plan may not deny or withhold benefits based solely upon the refusal to provide x-rays. Nothing in this section prohibits requests for x-rays or other diagnostic aids routinely taken in conjunction with the diagnosis and treatment of injury or disease, or routinely required by the insurer for preapproval or predetermination of treatment. An insurer may not retroactively request new x-rays not taken in conjunction with the diagnosis or treatment of injury or disease.
1991 c 101 s 1