(a) For purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subdivision have the meanings given.
(b) "Association" means the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association.
(c) "Federal law" means Title I, subtitle B, section 1101, of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111-148, including any federal regulations adopted under it.
(d) "Federal qualified high-risk pool" means an arrangement established by the federal secretary of health and human services that meets the requirements of the federal law.
This section applies beginning the date the temporary federal qualified high-risk health pool created under the federal law begins to provide coverage in this state.
The assessments made by the comprehensive health association on its member insurers must comply with the maintenance of effort requirement contained in paragraph (b), clause (3), of the federal law, to the extent that the requirement applies to assessments made by the association.
The commissioner of commerce and the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association shall ensure that applicants for coverage through the federal qualified high-risk pool, or through the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association, are referred to the medical assistance or MinnesotaCare programs if they are determined to be potentially eligible for coverage through those programs. The commissioner of human services shall ensure that applicants for coverage under medical assistance or MinnesotaCare who are determined not to be eligible for those programs are provided information about coverage through the federal qualified high-risk pool and the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association.
Minnesota shall coordinate its efforts with the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to obtain the federal funds to implement in Minnesota the federal qualified high-risk pool.
1Sp2010 c 1 art 22 s 1