The commissioners of health and commerce shall each periodically review contracts and arrangements among health care providing entities and health plan companies they regulate to determine compliance with sections 62J.70 to 62J.73. Any person may submit a contract or arrangement to the relevant commissioner for review if the person believes sections 62J.70 to 62J.73 have been violated. Any provision of a contract or arrangement found by the relevant commissioner to violate this section is null and void, and the relevant commissioner may assess civil penalties against the health plan company in an amount not to exceed $2,500 for each day the contract or arrangement is in effect, and may use the enforcement procedures otherwise available to the commissioner. All due process rights afforded under chapter 14 apply to this section.
A health-related licensing board as defined under section 214.01, subdivision 2, shall submit a contract or arrangement to the relevant commissioner for review if the board believes sections 62J.70 to 62J.73 have been violated. If the commissioner determines that any provision of a contract or arrangement violates those sections, the board may take disciplinary action against any person who is licensed or regulated by the board who entered into the contract arrangement.
1997 c 237 s 6