There shall be no coverage under a day care provider's homeowner's insurance for losses or damages arising out of the operation of day care services unless:
(1) specifically covered in a policy; or
(2) covered by a rider for business coverage attached to a policy.
For purposes of this section, "day care" means "family day care" and "group family day care" as defined in Minnesota Rules, part 9502.0315. "Day care" does not include care provided by an individual who is related, as defined in Minnesota Rules, part 9502.0315, to the person being cared for or care provided by an unrelated individual to persons from a single family of persons related to each other.
No insurer shall refuse to renew, or decline to offer or write, homeowner's insurance coverage solely because the property to be covered houses day care services for five or fewer children.
1996 c 326 s 2; 2004 c 239 s 1