At the time of sentencing or the disposition hearing in a case in which there is an identifiable victim, the court or its designee shall make reasonable good faith efforts to inform each affected victim of the offender notice of release and notice of expungement provisions of section 611A.06. If the victim is a minor, the court or its designee shall, if appropriate, also make reasonable good faith efforts to inform the victim's parent or guardian of the right to notice of release and notice of expungement. The state court administrator, in consultation with the commissioner of corrections and the prosecuting authorities, shall prepare a form that outlines the notice of release and notice of expungement provisions under section 611A.06 and describes how a victim should complete and submit a request to the commissioner of corrections or other custodial authority to be informed of an offender's release or submit a request to the prosecuting authorities to be informed of an offender's petition for expungement. The state court administrator shall make these forms available to court administrators who shall assist the court in disseminating right to notice of offender release and notice of expungement information to victims.
1994 c 636 art 7 s 2; 2001 c 209 s 6