As used in this section:
(1) "fresh pursuit" means fresh pursuit as defined by the common law and includes the pursuit of a person who has committed or is reasonably believed to have committed a violation in the presence of the peace officer. Fresh pursuit does not necessarily imply instant pursuit, but pursuit without unreasonable delay;
(2) "peace officer" means a member of a duly organized state, county, or municipal law enforcement unit; and
(3) "violation" includes gross misdemeanors, misdemeanors, and traffic violations.
A peace officer of another state who enters this state while on duty and in fresh pursuit, and who continues in fresh pursuit, of a person in order to arrest the person for a violation committed in the peace officer's presence, has the same authority to arrest and hold the person in custody as has any peace officer of this state if reciprocal fresh pursuit authority for that type of violation is extended to Minnesota peace officers by the pursuing officer's state.
1990 c 449 s 2