As used in this section:
(1) "just compensation" means the compensation owed to an innocent third party under the state Constitution by a Minnesota local government unit due to property damage caused by a peace officer in the course of executing a search warrant or apprehending a criminal suspect; and
(2) "peace officer" has the meaning given in section 626.84.
If just compensation is owed for damage caused in the execution of a search warrant or the apprehension of a criminal suspect, the Minnesota local government unit employing the peace officer who sought issuance of the warrant or initiated the apprehension is responsible for paying the compensation. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, if the search warrant is executed or the apprehension is accomplished by a peace officer from another Minnesota local government unit in aid of the officer originating the warrant or initiating the apprehension, the responsibility for paying just compensation remains with the Minnesota local government unit employing the officer who originated the warrant or initiated the apprehension. In the event the property damage is caused by the negligence of a peace officer, the Minnesota local government unit employing that peace officer is responsible for paying just compensation.
1998 c 367 art 11 s 20