By March 1, 1996, the Peace Officer Standards and Training Board shall develop and distribute to all chief law enforcement officers a model policy regarding the professional conduct of peace officers. The policy must address issues regarding professional conduct not addressed by the standards of conduct under Minnesota Rules, part 6700.1600. The policy must define unprofessional conduct to include, but not be limited to, conduct prohibited by section 609.43, whether or not there has been a conviction for a violation of that section. The policy must also describe the procedures that a local law enforcement agency may follow in investigating and disciplining peace officers alleged to have behaved unprofessionally.
By July 1, 1996, all chief law enforcement officers shall establish and implement a written policy defining unprofessional conduct and governing the investigation and disposition of cases involving alleged unprofessional conduct by peace officers. A chief law enforcement officer shall adopt a policy identical or substantially similar to the model policy developed by the board under subdivision 1.
A chief law enforcement officer shall report annually to the board summary data regarding the investigation and disposition of cases involving alleged misconduct, indicating the total number of investigations, the total number by each subject matter, the number dismissed as unfounded, and the number dismissed on grounds that the allegation was unsubstantiated.
1995 c 226 art 4 s 30