In every case authorized by the Constitution and laws of the United States, the governor may appoint an agent, who shall be the sheriff of the county from which the application for extradition shall come, when the sheriff can act, to demand of the executive authority of any state or territory any fugitive from justice or any person charged with a felony or other crime in this state; and when an application shall be made to the governor for that purpose, the attorney general, when so required by the governor, shall forthwith investigate or cause to be investigated by any county attorney the grounds of such application, and report to the governor all material circumstances which shall come to the attorney general's knowledge, with an abstract of the evidence, and an opinion as to the expediency of the demand. The accounts of agents so appointed shall in each case be audited by the county board of the county wherein the crime upon which extradition proceedings are based shall be alleged to have been committed, and every such agent shall receive from the treasury of such county $4 for each calendar day, and the necessary expenses incurred by the agent in the performance of such duties.
(10547-38) 1939 c 240 s 28; 1985 c 265 art 10 s 1; 1986 c 444