Any person sentenced for a term to any county jail, workhouse, or correctional work farm, whether the term is part of an executed sentence or is imposed as a condition of probation, shall, when sentenced to serve ten days or more, diminish the term of the sentence one day for each two days served, commencing on the day of arrival, during which the person has not violated any rule or discipline of the place wherein the person is incarcerated and, if required to labor, has labored with diligence and fidelity.
Any jailer, workhouse or correctional work farm superintendent, or person similarly in custody of persons incarcerated as set forth in subdivision 1 may, pursuant to a prisoner discipline plan, take away any or all of the reduction in sentence previously gained by good conduct, and in consideration of mitigating circumstances, may afterwards restore the prisoner in whole or in part, to the standing possessed before the reduction in sentence was taken away.
1947 c 130 s 1; 1980 c 602 s 17; 1982 c 527 s 3; 1986 c 444; 1991 c 292 art 8 s 18