The commissioner of natural resources shall designate such wilderness areas within the limits hereinbefore authorized as the commissioner shall determine after investigation to be necessary for the purposes of sections 84.43 to 84.52, and to add to, withdraw from, or otherwise modify such designations from time to time as the fulfillment of such purposes may require. Such designations shall be made by rules adopted as provided by and subject to the laws relating to rules of administrative agencies of the state, and may be modified or rescinded in like manner; provided, that in addition to or in connection with the proceedings required under said laws, the commissioner of natural resources or an authorized agent shall hold a public hearing on any proposal for a designation or a change therein hereunder at a place designated by the commissioner in a county containing lands affected thereby, of which at least two weeks' published notice shall be given in each county affected, and at least 30 days' notice shall be given by mail to the county auditor of each such county.
1949 c 630 s 3; 1969 c 1129 art 10 s 2; 1985 c 248 s 70; 1986 c 444