In case there shall be any private property situated within any such area and such private property, at the time such area is designated, is improved and used for purposes for which air transportation is essential, written permits shall be issued by the commissioner of transportation which shall authorize the operation of aircraft without check in or check out for the transportation of persons, their lawful possessions and materials to such extent as is necessary for the continuation of the use of the property affected existing at the time of the designation of the area, such permits to be issued upon the following conditions:
(a) The owner, lessee or operator of such private property shall have a licensed seaplane base on or adjacent to the property.
(b) Such permits shall thereupon be issued to the owner or operator of any aircraft to fly to, from, and between such bases and such other points as may be designated in the permit, provided such aircraft owner or operator has first complied with reasonable standards as to safety, equipment, and insurance to be established by the commissioner of transportation as provided by law.
(c) If the private property affected is situated in a wilderness area designated by the commissioner of natural resources as hereinbefore provided, a permit shall be issued for such aircraft operation as may be necessary for the continuation of any lawful use of the property; whether existing at the time of the designation of such area or thereafter developed.
(d) A permit shall be effective until the end of the calendar year in which it is issued, and shall be renewable annually upon the continued existence of the conditions authorizing its original issue. Every permit shall be subject to suspension or revocation, as the commissioner of transportation shall determine, upon conviction of the permittee of any violation of the provisions of sections 84.43 to 84.52.
(e) Every holder of a permit hereunder shall keep daily written records in duplicate, on forms prescribed by the commissioner of natural resources, of all aircraft operations under the permit, containing the following information as to each flight, in addition to such other information as may be required by law or by rules of the commissioner of natural resources: type and federal registration number of the aircraft; name, address, and license number of the pilot; names and addresses of passengers; purposes of flight, place, date, and time of beginning and termination of flight, line of flight and destinations. On or before the fifth of each month the permittee shall mail one of the duplicates of such records for all flights during the preceding calendar month to the commissioner of natural resources, who shall keep the same on file and subject to inspection in like manner as hereinbefore provided for inspection of copies of reports at checking stations.
Any aircraft owner or operator carrying passengers for hire from a licensed seaplane base outside of the wilderness areas may obtain a permit in like manner as hereinbefore provided for operating between such base or other points outside of such areas, to be designated in the permit, and any points within such areas, subject to compliance with the requirements for keeping and mailing records and all other conditions pertaining to permits as hereinbefore prescribed, so far as applicable.
1949 c 630 s 5; 1969 c 1129 art 10 s 2; 1976 c 166 s 7; 1985 c 248 s 70; 1986 c 444