(a) Any resident born after December 31, 1976, who operates a snowmobile in Minnesota, must possess:
(1) a valid snowmobile safety certificate;
(2) a driver's license that has a valid snowmobile qualification indicator issued under section 171.07, subdivision 12; or
(3) an identification card that has a valid snowmobile qualification indicator issued under section 171.07, subdivision 12.
(b) For youth or adults taking the youth course, the certificate or qualification indicator may only be issued upon successful completion of a course authorized under section 84.86. Either the youth course under this paragraph or the adult course under paragraph (c) may be completed by persons 16 years of age or older.
(c) Persons 16 years of age or older may take the adult snowmobile safety training course. The certificate or qualification indicator may only be issued upon successful completion of a safety course designed for adults or persons 16 years of age or older.
[Repealed, 2004 c 255 s 51]
If a person completes a safety course in another state that is recognized by the commissioner under a reciprocity agreement or certified by the commissioner as substantially similar to requirements in this state, evidence that the person has completed that course is acceptable in lieu of a certificate under this section.
Any person who is convicted for a second or subsequent speeding violation in a snowmobile season, or any conviction for careless or reckless operation of a snowmobile, must successfully complete a training course in subdivision 1 before continuing operation of a snowmobile.
1997 c 216 s 64; 1999 c 231 s 91,92; 2001 c 185 s 10,11; 2003 c 28 art 1 s 7; 2004 c 255 s 10-12