The commissioner of natural resources shall prepare a comprehensive fish and wildlife management plan designed to accomplish the policy of section 84.941. The comprehensive fish and wildlife management plan shall include a strategic plan as outlined in subdivision 2. The strategic plan must be completed by July 1, 1986. The management plan must also include the long-range and operational plans as described in subdivisions 3 and 4. The management plan must be completed by July 1, 1988.
The strategic plan must be updated every six years and include:
(1) an issues analysis describing major fish and wildlife management problems;
(2) a description of strategies to address management problems; and
(3) an assessment of the need for additional fish and wildlife research facilities.
The long-range plan must be updated every six years and include:
(1) an assessment of historical, present, and projected demand for fish and wildlife resources;
(2) an assessment of the capability of fish and wildlife resources to meet present and future demand;
(3) development of a database capable of continuous updating and usable as a resource management tool; and
(4) a statement of major goals, objectives, and policies to address fish and wildlife resource management issues.
The operational plan must be reviewed and updated every two years. The operational plan must include the following:
(1) a description of specific actions needed to address resource management issues;
(2) an estimate of the expenditures necessary to implement the management actions and a description of the sources and amounts of revenue available;
(3) a procedure to review expenditures and evaluate the effectiveness of the management program; and
(4) recommendations for additional actions necessary to meet fish and wildlife management needs.
The commissioner of natural resources must coordinate fish and wildlife planning efforts with appropriate public agencies to achieve optimum public benefit.
The commissioner of natural resources must make fish and wildlife management plans available for public input, review, and comment.
1986 c 383 s 8