For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the meanings given them.
"Aquatic macrophyte" means a macroscopic nonwoody plant, either a submerged, floating leafed, floating, or emergent plant that naturally grows in water.
"Aquatic plant" means a plant, including algae and submerged, floating leafed, floating, or emergent plants, that naturally grows in water, saturated soils, or seasonally saturated soils.
"Commissioner" means the commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources.
"Department" means the Department of Natural Resources.
[Repealed, 2004 c 243 s 41]
"Eurasian water milfoil" means Myriophyllum spicatum and its hybrids.
[Repealed, 2004 c 243 s 41]
"Infested waters" means waters of the state designated by the commissioner under sections 84D.03, subdivision 1, and 84D.12.
"Introduce" means to place, release, or allow the escape of a nonnative species into a free-living state.
"Introduction" means the placement, release, or escape of a nonnative species into a free-living state.
"Invasive species" means a nonnative species that:
(1) causes or may cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health; or
(2) threatens or may threaten natural resources or the use of natural resources in the state.
[Repealed, 1999 c 92 s 11]
"Native species" means an animal or plant species naturally present and reproducing within this state or that naturally expands from its historic range into this state.
"Naturalize" means to establish a self-sustaining population of nonnative species in the wild outside of its natural range.
"Nonnative species" means a species that is not a native species.
"Prohibited invasive species" means a nonnative species that has been designated as a prohibited invasive species in a rule adopted by the commissioner under section 84D.12.
"Purple loosestrife" means Lythrum salicaria, Lythrum virgatum, or combinations thereof.
"Regulated invasive species" means a nonnative species that has been designated as a regulated invasive species in a rule adopted by the commissioner under section 84D.12.
"Transport" means to cause or attempt to cause a species to be carried or moved into or within the state, and includes accepting or receiving the species for transportation or shipment. Transport does not include the transport of infested water or a species within a water of the state or to a connected water of the state where the species being transported is already present.
"Unlisted nonnative species" means a nonnative species that has not been designated as a prohibited invasive species, a regulated invasive species, or an unregulated nonnative species in a rule adopted by the commissioner under section 84D.12.
"Unregulated nonnative species" means a nonnative species that has been designated as an unregulated nonnative species in a rule adopted by the commissioner under section 84D.12.
"Watercraft" means a contrivance used or designed for navigation on water and includes seaplanes.
"Waters of the state" has the meaning given in section 97A.015, subdivision 54.
"Wild animal" means a living creature, not human, wild by nature, endowed with sensation and power of voluntary motion.
"Zebra mussel" means a species of the genus Dreissena.
1996 c 385 art 1 s 1; 1999 c 92 s 2; 2004 c 243 s 4-14; 2006 c 281 art 1 s 5-8