A person may not place or attempt to place into waters of the state a watercraft, a trailer, or plant harvesting equipment that has aquatic macrophytes, zebra mussels, or prohibited invasive species attached except as provided in this section.
Unless otherwise prohibited by law, a person may place into the waters of the state a watercraft or trailer with aquatic macrophytes:
(1) that are duckweeds in the family Lemnaceae;
(2) for purposes of shooting or observation blinds attached in or on watercraft in amounts sufficient for that purpose, if the aquatic macrophytes are emergent and cut above the waterline;
(3) that are wild rice harvested under section 84.091; or
(4) in the form of fragments of emergent aquatic macrophytes incidentally transported in or on watercraft or decoys used for waterfowl hunting during the waterfowl season.
A conservation officer or other licensed peace officer may order:
(1) the removal of aquatic macrophytes or prohibited invasive species from a trailer or watercraft before it is placed into waters of the state;
(2) confinement of the watercraft at a mooring, dock, or other location until the watercraft is removed from the water; and
(3) removal of a watercraft from waters of the state to remove prohibited invasive species if the water has not been designated by the commissioner as being infested with that species.
(a) A person leaving waters of the state must drain boating-related equipment holding water and live wells and bilges by removing the drain plug before transporting the watercraft and associated equipment on public roads. Drain plugs, bailers, valves, or other devices used to control the draining of water from ballast tanks, bilges, and live wells must be removed or opened while transporting watercraft on a public road. Marine sanitary systems and portable bait containers are excluded from this requirement. A person must not dispose of bait in waters of the state.
(b) The commissioner shall report, by January 15 of each odd-numbered year, to the chairs and ranking minority members of the house of representatives and senate committees and divisions having jurisdiction over water resources policy and finance. The report shall advise the legislature on additional measures to protect state water resources from human transport of invasive species.
1996 c 385 art 1 s 10; 1999 c 92 s 7; 2004 c 243 s 27,28; 2008 c 368 art 2 s 5; 2010 c 361 art 4 s 25