The legislature finds that the unique natural, cultural, and historical resources of Minnesota provide abundant opportunities for outdoor recreation and education, and finds that these opportunities should be made available to all citizens of Minnesota now and in the future.
The legislature further finds that the preservation and proper utilization of Minnesota's outdoor recreational resources is becoming increasingly important to the health, welfare, and prosperity of the citizens of Minnesota due to the growing demand for outdoor recreational facilities and the spread of development and urbanization in the state.
The legislature further finds that the outdoor recreational needs of the people of Minnesota will be best served by the establishment of an outdoor recreational system which will (1) preserve an accurate representation of Minnesota's natural and historical heritage for public understanding and enjoyment and (2) provide an adequate supply of scenic, accessible, and usable lands and waters to accommodate the outdoor recreational needs of Minnesota's citizens.
Nothing in sections 86A.01 to 86A.11 shall be deemed or construed to abolish, repeal or negate any of the ongoing programs, approved by law, or the authority or activities of the commissioner of natural resources in improving, maintaining and developing fishing, hunting, or other recreational activities conducted upon the public waters and lands of the state or on private lands in cooperation with the owners thereof, except as the uses of the lands or waters may be in express conflict with the provisions of sections 86A.01 to 86A.11.
The legislature hereby determines that the establishment of an outdoor recreation system will serve these needs and will thus serve a valid public purpose for the people of this state.
1975 c 353 s 2