A unit of the outdoor recreation system shall be deemed to be authorized upon the enactment of a law (1) describing the land, water, or facility which shall comprise the unit; (2) designating the unit's classification pursuant to section 86A.05; (3) directing and authorizing acquisition of the unit thus described; and (4) specifying the methods of acquisition and the types of interests in land that may be acquired.
Upon authorization of a unit pursuant to subdivision 1, the managing agency shall as soon as possible acquire the lands, waters, or facilities as authorized.
In any instance where a managing agency, or the commissioner of administration on behalf of the managing agency, is specifically empowered by law to acquire lands or waters or any interest in lands or waters for the purpose of establishing units of the outdoor recreation system a unit may be authorized upon (1) the acquisition of land and waters pursuant to the lawful exercise of the power to acquire and (2) the designation by the managing agency of the land and waters as a classified unit of the outdoor recreation system by written order published in the State Register. Designations are not subject to the rulemaking provisions of chapter 14 and section 14.386 does not apply.
1975 c 353 s 7; 2004 c 221 s 23