(a) The commissioner of natural resources must develop and adopt shooting range performance standards, according to the expedited rulemaking process under section 14.389. The shooting range performance standards must provide for compliance with applicable noise standards under section 87A.05 and for the safe use of shooting ranges within their boundaries, including the containment of projectiles.
(b) The shooting range performance standards must provide for the operation of shooting preserves within the boundaries of the preserve, including an exemption from any discharge distance limitations generally applicable to hunting on other land, when the shooting preserve is in compliance with all other applicable laws and is in operation on or before the effective date of the performance standards adopted under this section or prior to the development of any structure that would cause the preserve to be out of compliance with the discharge distance.
(c) The commissioner must review the shooting range performance standards at least once every five years and revise them if necessary for the safe operation of shooting ranges.
(d) In the adoption of any amendments to the shooting range performance standards adopted under paragraph (a), the commissioner shall follow all notice and public hearing requirements for the regular rule adoption process under sections 14.001 to 14.28.
Until the commissioner of natural resources adopts the shooting range performance standards under subdivision 1, paragraph (a), the November 1999 revised edition of the National Rifle Association's Range Source Book: A Guide to Planning and Construction shall serve as the interim shooting range performance standards, having the full effect of the shooting range performance standards for purposes of this chapter. The interim shooting range performance standards sunset and have no further effect under this chapter upon the effective date of the shooting range performance standards adopted under subdivision 1, paragraph (a).
2005 c 105 s 2