Any state scaler or state appraiser who shall accept any compensation or gratuity for services as such from any other source except the state of Minnesota, or any state scaler, or other person authorized to scale state timber, or state appraiser, who shall make any false report, or insert in any such report any false statement, or shall make any such report without having examined the land embraced therein or without having actually been upon the land, or omit from any such report any statement required by law to be made therein, or who shall fail to report any known trespass committed upon state lands, or who shall conspire with any other person in any manner, by act or omission or otherwise, to defraud or unlawfully deprive the state of Minnesota of any land or timber, or the value thereof, shall be guilty of a felony. Any material discrepancy between the facts and the scale returned by any such person scaling timber for the state shall be considered prima facie evidence that such person is guilty of violating this statute.
No such appraiser or scaler who has been once discharged for cause shall ever again be appointed. This provision shall not apply to resignations voluntarily made by and accepted from such employees.
Every person who shall cut timber on state lands and fail to mark the same, as provided by law, and the permit under which the same was cut, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
(6394-26, 6394-27) 1925 c 276 s 26,27; 1961 c 202 s 29; 1967 c 568 s 13; 1969 c 366 s 11; 1986 c 444