When the commissioner is directed by statute, federal law, or court order to adopt, amend, suspend, or repeal a rule in a manner that does not allow for compliance with sections 14.14 to 14.28, or if the commissioner is expressly required or authorized by statute to adopt emergency rules, the commissioner shall adopt emergency rules in accordance with sections 97A.0451 to 97A.0459.
Unless the commissioner is directed by federal law or court order to adopt, amend, suspend, or repeal a rule in a manner that does not allow for compliance with sections 14.14 to 14.28, the commissioner may not adopt an emergency rule later than 180 days after the effective date of the statutory authority, except as provided in section 84.027, subdivision 13. If emergency rules are not adopted within the time allowed, the authority for the rules expires. The time limit of this section does not include any days used for review by the attorney general. If the 180-day period expires while the attorney general is reviewing the rule and the attorney general disapproves the rule, the commissioner may resubmit the rule to the attorney general after taking corrective action. The resubmission must occur within five working days after the commissioner receives written notice of disapproval. If the rule is again disapproved by the attorney general, it is withdrawn.
1995 c 233 art 2 s 40