State wildlife management areas are established and designated as provided under this section. State wildlife management areas are located and named as indicated in this section.
2000 c 485 s 16
The consolidated conservation lands included in state wildlife management areas are subject to the payment in lieu of tax as provided in section 477A.12, paragraph (a), clause (1).
2000 c 485 s 16
(a) On lands acquired by the state under chapter 84A that are designated after January 1, 1986, as wildlife management areas, the commissioner shall, by January 15, 2004, identify, designate, and sign at least 90 miles of all-terrain vehicle trails, not including public roads that are maintained and open to travel by other noncommercial vehicles, in corridors of disturbance that:
(1) the commissioner determines are appropriate to connect trails, forest roads established under section 89.71, subdivision 1, and public highways to provide reasonable travel for all-terrain vehicles; or
(2) are areas of historic all-terrain vehicle use, including trails that end within a wildlife management area.
The designated trails must be either within or contiguous to the wildlife management areas. The commissioner shall consult with wildlife management area users, including both motorized and nonmotorized trail users, in identifying and designating trails under this paragraph. Trail establishment must be in compliance with other state and federal law. Local governments and other trail sponsors may propose the designation of trails, including the designation as a grant-in-aid trail for the purposes of funding under section 84.927, subdivision 2. Designation of trails by the commissioner, authorized under this subdivision, shall be by written order published in the State Register. Designations are not subject to the rulemaking provisions of chapter 14 and section 14.386 does not apply.
(b) The following roads shall be open to travel by all-terrain vehicles when the roads are open to other noncommercial vehicles:
(1) the Rapid River Forest Road, beginning at the west boundary of the Red Lake Wildlife Management Area at the southwest corner of Section 7, Township 156 North, Range 35 West, Beltrami County, thence in an easterly and northeasterly direction through the Red Lake Wildlife Management Area to the east boundary of the Red Lake Wildlife Management Area at the southwest corner of Section 7, Township 157 North, Range 33 West, Lake of the Woods County;
(2) the Blanchard Forest Road, beginning at the junction of the North Shore Road along the northern shore of Upper Red Lake and the Blanchard State Forest Road at the west section line of Section 30, Township 155 North, Range 31 West, Beltrami County, thence in a westerly direction to the west section line of Section 31, Township 155 North, Range 32 West;
(3) the Moose River Forest Road, beginning at the junction of Dick's Parkway State Forest Road and the Moose River State Forest Road at the southwest corner of Section 31, Township 36 West, Range 158 North, thence in a westerly direction along the Moose River State Forest Road to the junction of Beltrami County Road 706; and
(4) the existing west access road to the Moose River dike, which is included in meeting the required all-terrain vehicle trail mileage specified in paragraph (a).
(c) The commissioner shall sign each road and trail designated under this subdivision indicating the motorized uses allowed.
(d) During the regular firearms deer season, on all wildlife management area lands within the area described in paragraph (e), a person licensed to take deer may operate an all-terrain vehicle:
(1) before legal shooting hours;
(2) after legal shooting hours; and
(3) from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
(e) Paragraph (d) applies from where State Highway No. 1 intersects the west boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation, then west to State Highway No. 219, then north on State Highway No. 219 to State Highway No. 89, then north on State Highway No. 89 to County Highway No. 6, then east on County Highway No. 6 to County Highway No. 54 and County Highway No. 1 (Beltrami/Marshall county line) then north along the Beltrami/Marshall county line to Roseau county line, then east on Beltrami/Roseau county line to Dick's Parkway, then south on Dick's Parkway to County Road No. 704, Beltrami County, then south to County State-Aid Highway No. 44 to Fourtown, then south on State Highway No. 89 to the north boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation, then west and south following the boundary of the Red Lake Indian Reservation to where it intersects State Highway No. 1.
(f) For the purposes of this subdivision, "corridors of disturbance" means rights-of-way such as ditches, ditch banks, transmission lines, pipelines, permanent roads, winter roads, and recreational trails. The existence of a corridor of disturbance eligible for corridor designation may be demonstrated by physical evidence, document recorded in the office of the county recorder or other public official, aerial survey, or other evidence similar to the above. Cross-country motorized use of land shall not cause that land to be considered a corridor of disturbance.
2000 c 485 s 16; 2002 c 353 s 1; 2004 c 221 s 38
Agder Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Aitkin Wildlife Management Area, Aitkin County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2001 c 206 s 11
Bear Creek Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Benville Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Border Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Carmalee Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Carp Swamp Wildlife Management Area, Lake of the Woods County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Cedar Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Cedarbend Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Clear River Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
East Branch Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
East Park Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Eckvoll Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Elm Lake Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Enstrom Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Espelie Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Fireweed Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Foote Wildlife Management Area, Mahnomen County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Four Mile Bay Wildlife Management Area, Lake of the Woods County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Golden Valley Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Graceton Wildlife Management Area, Lake of the Woods County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Grayling Marsh Wildlife Management Area, Aitkin County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Grygla Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Gun Dog Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Hamre Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Hayes Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Hill Lake Wildlife Management Area, Aitkin County.
2001 c 206 s 9
Huntly Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Killian Wildlife Management Area, Mahnomen County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Kimberly Wildlife Management Area, Aitkin County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Larry Bernhoft Wildlife Management Area, Lake of the Woods County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Lee Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4; 2004 c 262 art 2 s 15 subd 1
Little Willow Wildlife Management Area, Aitkin County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Marbel Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
McGregor Marsh Wildlife Management Area, Aitkin County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Moose River Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Moylan Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Nereson Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
New Maine Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Palmville Wildlife Management Area, Marshall and Roseau Counties.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Prosper Wildlife Management Area, Lake of the Woods County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Red Lake Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 1Sp2003 c 13 s 12; 2004 c 262 art 2 s 15 subd 2
Robert Wickstrom Wildlife Management Area, Aitkin County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Rocky Point Wildlife Management Area, Lake of the Woods County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Roseau Lake Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Rosver Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Salo Wildlife Management Area, Aitkin County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Saw-Whet Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4; 2004 c 262 art 2 s 15 subd 3
Sem Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Sharp Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Skime Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Snowshoe Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
South Shore Wildlife Management Area, Lake of the Woods and Roseau Counties.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Spooner Wildlife Management Area, Lake of the Woods County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Thief Lake Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Valley Wildlife Management Area, Marshall County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Vanose Wildlife Management Area, Mahnomen County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Wabun Wildlife Management Area, Mahnomen County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Wannaska Wildlife Management Area, Roseau County.
2000 c 485 s 16,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Wapiti Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Willow Run Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
Willowsippi Wildlife Management Area, Aitkin County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27
Wolf Trail Wildlife Management Area, Beltrami County.
2000 c 485 s 16,21,27; 2002 c 353 s 4
2007 c 57 art 1 s 82,168