Wildlife management areas are open to hunting and fishing unless closed by rule of the commissioner or by posting under subdivision 2.
The commissioner may, by posting in accordance with section 97B.001, subdivision 4, designate areas within wildlife management areas that are closed to entry for the purpose of providing areas where disturbance of wildlife can be minimized. A person may not enter an area posted under this subdivision except as authorized by rule or a permit issued by the commissioner.
The commissioner may issue a special permit, without a fee, authorizing a hunter with a permanent physical disability to use a snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle in wildlife management areas. To qualify for a permit under this subdivision, the disabled person must possess:
(1) the required hunting licenses; and
(2) a permit to shoot from a stationary vehicle under section 97B.055, subdivision 3.
(a) Wildlife management areas that are established according to section 86A.05, subdivision 8; designated under section 97A.133 or 97A.145; and 160 contiguous acres or larger are exempt from local ordinances that limit the taking of game and fish or vegetation management in the unit as authorized by state law.
(b) Wildlife management areas that are established according to section 86A.05, subdivision 8; designated under section 97A.133 or 97A.145; and at least 40 contiguous acres and less than 160 contiguous acres are exempt from local ordinances that:
(1) restrict trapping;
(2) restrict the discharge of archery equipment;
(3) restrict the discharge of shotguns with shot sizes of F or .22 inch diameter or smaller shot;
(4) restrict noise;
(5) require dogs on a leash; or
(6) would in any manner restrict the management of vegetation in the unit as authorized by state law.
Prior to the Saturday on or nearest September 16, a portable stand may be left overnight in a wildlife management area by a person with a valid bear license who is hunting within 100 yards of a bear bait site that is legally tagged and registered as prescribed under section 97B.425. Any person leaving a portable stand overnight under this subdivision must affix the person's name and address to the stand in such a manner that it can be read from the ground.
1991 c 259 s 18; 1993 c 231 s 15; 2000 c 265 s 1; 2009 c 176 art 2 s 15,16