A person may not take, buy, sell, transport, or possess a protected wild animal unless allowed by the game and fish laws. The ownership of all wild animals is in the state, unless the wild animal has been lawfully acquired under the game and fish laws. The ownership of a wild animal that is lawfully acquired reverts to the state if a law relating to sale, transportation, or possession of the wild animal is violated.
A person may not take, import, transport, or sell an endangered species of wild animal, or sell, or possess with intent to sell an article made from the parts of a wild animal, except as provided in section 84.0895.
(a) A person may not administer contraceptive chemicals to noncaptive wild animals without a permit issued by the commissioner.
(b) The commissioner shall adopt rules establishing standards and guidelines for the administration of contraceptive chemicals to noncaptive wild animals. The rules may specify chemical delivery methods and devices and monitoring requirements.
1986 c 386 art 1 s 71; 1987 c 384 art 1 s 10; 1994 c 623 art 1 s 26