(a) A person may not set or place a trap or snare, other than on property owned or occupied by the person, unless the following information is affixed to the trap or snare in a manner that ensures that the information remains legible while the trap or snare is on the lands or waters:
(1) the number and state of the person's driver's license;
(2) the person's Minnesota identification card number;
(3) the person's name and mailing address; or
(4) the license identification number issued by the Department of Natural Resources.
(b) The commissioner may not prescribe additional requirements for identification of traps or snares.
(c) Until March 1, 2013, the driver's license number under paragraph (a), clause (1), may be the person's previously issued Minnesota driver's license number.
From April 1 to August 31, the trap identification provisions of subdivision 1 do not apply to traps set for the taking of unprotected wild animals.
A person who violates subdivision 1, paragraph (a), is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
1993 c 231 s 45; 2007 c 131 art 1 s 46