§ 11-1-29. Proceedings on death of surety on bonds, etc.
If any surety on a bond, recognizance, or undertaking of any kind given in any legal proceeding, shall be dead at the time for judgment to be rendered or execution to be issued thereon, that shall not prevent judgment from being rendered or execution being issued on such bond, recognizance, or undertaking against parties thereto who are living, but judgment may be rendered against such parties, and judgment nisi may be entered against the personal representatives of parties who are dead, and citation shall be issued to the personal representative to show cause why the judgment should not be made absolute against them, and it shall be made absolute unless, upon the return of citation executed, good cause be shown against it. Execution may be issued on such judgment against the living parties, and after the absolute judgment against the personal representatives, execution may be issued against them to enforce it.
Sources: Codes, 1880, § 2301; 1892, § 942; 1906, § 1018; Hemingway's 1917, § 738; 1930, § 761; 1942, § 1676.