§ 11-23-29. Form of a claimant's bond.
A claimant's bond may be in the following form, viz.:
"We, ________ , principal, and ________ and ________ , sureties, bind ourselves to pay ________ dollars, unless the said ________ shall prosecute with effect his claim to a ________ [here describe the property], levied on by virtue of an execution issued on the ________ day of ________ , A.D. ________ , by ________ court of ________ county, in favor of ________ against ________ , returnable before the ________ court on the ________ day of ________ , A.D. ________ , and valued at ________ dollars: or, in case he fail therein, shall pay to the said ________ all such damages as may be awarded against the said ________ , in case his claim shall not be sustained, and shall deliver the same property to the officer having said execution, if the claim thereto shall be determined against the said ________ .
"Witness our hands, this ________ day of ________ , A. D. ________ .
"________ ,
"________ ,
"________ ,
"I approve the foregoing bond and sureties, this the ________ day of ________ , A.D. ________ .
________ Sheriff."
Sources: Codes, 1880, § 2558; 1892, § 4436; 1906, § 5001; Hemingway's 1917, § 3275; 1930, § 3435; 1942, § 1032.