§ 11-33-41. Form of notice required.
The notice of the attachment which the clerk is required to cause to be published may be in the following form, to wit:
"The State of Mississippi to ________ :
An attachment at the suit of ________ against your estate, for ________ dollars, returnable before the circuit court of ________ County, at ________ , Mississippi, has been executed, and is now pending in said court; and unless you appear before said court on the ________ Monday of ________ A. D. ________ , and plead to said action, judgment will be entered, and the estate attached will be sold.
________ , A. D. ________ ________ , Clerk."
Sources: Codes, 1880, § 2439; 1892, § 145; 1906, § 149; Hemingway's 1917, § 141; 1930, § 139; 1942, § 2695.