§ 11-33-65. Form of bond to discharge attachment for debt not due.
The bond to discharge attachment for a debt not due may be in the following form, viz.:
"We, ________ principal, and ________ and ________ , sureties, are held and bound to pay ________ the sum of ________ dollars, unless ________ shall well and truly pay ________ the sum demanded by him as plaintiff is his attachment suit for a debt not due, the sum of ________ , dollars, on or before the ________ day of ________ , A. D. ________ , and pay the costs of said suit, which is pending in the circuit court of ________ County, Mississippi. This the ________ day of ________ , A. D.________ ."
Sources: Codes, 1892, § 157; 1906, § 161; Hemingway's 1917, § 153; 1930, § 151; 1942, § 2707.