§ 11-7-189. Enrollment of judgments; satisfaction.
(1) The clerk of the circuit court shall procure and keep in his office one or more books to be styled "The Judgment Roll," which book or books shall be appropriately divided under the several letters of the alphabet, and on each page shall be placed the following captions:
Name and
Name of
Attorney County Social
and Post and Security
Office Amount of Court or Tax
Address of Judgment Date of in Which Identification
Each or Decree Rendition Rendered Number
Plaintiff's Name,
Date, Hour Attorney, When and
and Minute of and Post Office How
Enrollment Address of Each Satisfied Remarks
The clerk shall, within twenty (20) days after the adjournment of each term of court, enroll all final judgments rendered at that term in the order in which they were entered on the minutes by entering on The Judgment Roll, under the proper letter or letters of the alphabet, the name of each and every defendant to such judgment, the post office address of each defendant, and the social security or tax identification number of each defendant if such information is known or readily ascertainable, and if such defendant or defendants have an attorney at law in such case the name and post office address of such attorney or firm of attorneys if such post office address is known or readily ascertainable; the amount of such judgment; date of rendition; county and court in which rendered; the date, hour and minute of enrollment; and the name of the plaintiff or plaintiffs and the post office address of each plaintiff if readily ascertainable, and if represented by an attorney at law or a firm of attorneys then the name and post office address of such attorney or firm of attorneys if the post office address is known or readily ascertainable. The name of the attorney or firm of attorneys and post office addresses of the parties may be subsequently inserted by the clerk at any time.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the failure to list a social security number on a judgment shall not invalidate said judgment nor shall it make the party failing to list said judgment liable for such failure to list or the recording official liable for such failure.
(2) Any attorney of record representing a plaintiff or plaintiffs in the case may, for and on behalf of his client or clients, satisfy in whole or in part a judgment on such Judgment Roll by endorsing thereon the extent of such satisfaction and signing an entry so showing, and when so satisfied the clerk shall attest and subscribe such endorsement under the proper heading therein. When any judgment shall otherwise be satisfied, the clerk shall so enter under proper heading and subscribe the entry.
(3) The Judgment Roll may be kept on computer as provided in Section 9-7-171. In such case the plaintiff or attorney representing such plaintiff shall present to the clerk a sworn affidavit directing the clerk to cancel or otherwise show as satisfied the judgment recorded under this section.
Sources: Codes, Hutchinson's 1848, ch. 61, art. 16 (12); 1857, ch. 61, art. 260; 1871, § 829; 1880, § 1736; 1892, § 756; 1906, § 818; Hemingway's 1917, § 606; 1930, § 610; 1942, § 1554; Laws, 1946, ch. 437; Laws, 1960, ch. 233, §§ 1, 2; Laws, 1994, ch. 521, § 27; Laws, 1994, ch. 458, § 8; Laws, 1997, ch. 342, § 1, eff from and after July 1, 1997.