§ 11-7-193. How priority of lien forfeited.
A junior judgment creditor may give written notice to any senior judgment creditor requiring him to execute his judgment; and if the senior judgment creditor, being so notified, shall fail, neglect or refuse to have execution issued, and levied within ten days from said notice for the satisfaction of his judgment, he shall lose his priority, and the junior judgment creditor may cause execution to issue on his judgment and to be levied on any of the property of the defendant, and the proceeds of a sale thereof shall be applied to the junior judgments so levied.
Sources: Codes, 1857, ch. 61, art. 261; 1871, § 830; 1880, § 1737; 1892, § 758; 1906, § 820; Hemingway's 1917, § 608; 1930, § 612; 1942, § 1556.