§ 11-7-197. Judgment not a lien in county until enrolled.
Judgments and decrees, at law or in equity, rendered in any court of the United States held within this state, or in the Supreme Court or the court of chancery of this state, shall not be a lien upon or bind the property of the defendant within the county in which such judgments or decrees may be rendered, until an abstract thereof shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the county and enrolled on the judgment roll, in the manner and on the terms hereinbefore provided in Section 11-7-195. Such judgments and decrees shall bind the property of the defendants from the date of such enrollment, in like manner as judgments and decrees rendered in a different county and so enrolled.
Sources: Codes, 1857, ch. 61, art. 263; 1871, § 834, 1880, § 1739; 1892, § 760; 1906, § 822; Hemingway's 1917, § 610; 1930, § 614; 1942, § 1558.