§ 15-1-31. When statute commences to run on open accounts.
In all actions brought to recover the balance due upon a mutual and open current account, where both parties are merchants or traders, the cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued at the time of the true date of the last item proved in such account. In all other actions upon open accounts, the period of limitation shall commence to run against the several items thereof from the dates at which the same respectively became due and payable.
Sources: Codes, Hutchinson's 1848, ch. 57, art. 6 (10); 1857, ch. 57, art. 20; 1871, § 2164; 1880, § 2671; 1892, § 2740; 1906, § 3100; Hemingway's 1917, § 2464; 1930, § 2300; 1942, § 730.