§ 15-3-5. Fraudulent conveyances, judgments, loans and the like; exceptions.
Section 15-3-3 shall not extend to any estate or interest in any lands, goods or chattels, or any rents, common, or profit out of the same, which shall be upon good consideration and bona fide lawfully conveyed or assured to any person or persons, bodies-politic or corporate, nor shall it in any case extend to creditors whose debts were contracted after such fraudulent act, unless made with intent to defraud them, and though a conveyance or contract be decreed void as to prior creditors, it shall not, on that account, be void as to subsequent creditors or purchasers.
Sources: Codes, Hutchinson's 1848, ch. 47, art. 1 (3); 1857, ch. 44, art. 3; 1871, § 2894; 1880, § 1294; 1892, § 4228; 1906, § 4778; Hemingway's 1917, § 3122; 1930, § 3346; 1942, § 267.