§ 17-18-27. Sale of site property.
The department may sell the real property for the site and any improvements thereon to any non-governmental entity that meets all requirements mandated by federal law and regulations and all requirements mandated by state law and regulations for the operation of a commercial hazardous waste management facility. If the department decides to sell the property, then the property shall be offered for sale on the basis of competitive bidding after advertisement therefor and such property shall be sold to the highest and best bidder, but in no event shall the property be sold at less than the appraised value at the time of the sale as determined by three (3) competent appraisers selected by the department. If all bids received by the department are insufficient, the department may reject all bids received and readvertise for bids.
Sources: Laws, 1990, ch. 506, § 16, eff from and after passage (approved March 31, 1990).