§ 17-18-33. Fees generally; contracts for operation of facilities; cost considerations in establishing and revising fee schedules; use of excess funds.
(1) For the state commercial hazardous waste management facility the department, in consultation with the Department of Environmental Quality, shall establish and revise as necessary schedules of user fees and other charges, including nonregulatory penalties and surcharges. For facilities operated by private enterprise pursuant to this chapter, the department, in consultation with the Department of Environmental Quality, shall establish and revise as necessary schedules of franchise fees. The terms and conditions under which facilities are operated by private enterprise pursuant to this chapter shall be governed by appropriate contracts between the department and the private operator. Such contracts shall provide for the payment of franchise fees and for the periodic adjustment thereof.
(2) In establishing and revising such schedules of fees, the department shall consider and shall seek to recover, to the maximum extent possible, the following costs:
(a) Establishment and operation of the authority and committee;
(b) Administrative costs of the department in support of its activities under this chapter;
(c) Establishment and administration of the Perpetual Care Fund;
(d) Repayment to the state with interest of all funds expended from the State General Fund in the development of the state commercial hazardous waste management facility;
(e) Compensation of contractors and consultants employed by the department, authority and committee in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter;
(f) Other expenses incurred by the department, the state or its agencies in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter.
(3) If revenues exceed all costs set out and all other costs and charges for which the department is liable, such excess funds shall be paid into a special fund hereby created in the State Treasury to fund a portion of the costs of the Mississippi Comprehensive Waste Minimization Program administered by the Department of Environmental Quality, other programs which foster multimedia waste prevention, reduction, reuse and recycling, programs which provide assistance to small quantity generators and other programs for environmental protection purposes.
Sources: Laws, 1990, ch. 506, § 19, eff from and after passage (approved March 31, 1990).