§ 19-1-157. Wilkinson County.
Wilkinson County is bounded by beginning at the mouth of the Homochitto River on the Mississippi River, thence, including Tansy Island, up said Homochitto River, with its meanderings, to the mouth of Foster's creek; thence southeasterly up said creek, with its meanderings to the line between ranges one and two, east; thence south on said range line to the boundary line between the States of Louisiana and Mississippi; thence west on said state boundary line to the Mississippi River; thence up said river, with its meanderings, to the beginning. The county site is Woodville.
Sources: Codes, 1871, § 86; 1880, § 94; 1892, § 419; 1906, § 483; Hemingway's 1917, § 3905; 1930, § 3966; 1942, § 3101; Laws, Jan. 30, 1802.