§ 19-17-15. To charge appropriate officer with jury taxes, fines, penalties, and forfeitures.
It shall be the duty of the clerk, on receiving from the circuit court the list of jury taxes accrued at any term of the circuit court, and of the fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed or accrued at each term of the court, at once, as county auditor, to charge the sheriff of the county, or the person acting as such for the time, with the full amount of such jury taxes, fines, penalties, and forfeitures, and to require the sheriff, or the person acting as such, to pay the amount into the county treasury, except such as he shall show a legal excuse for not collecting and paying.
When a fine, penalty, or forfeiture shall be imposed by any court of which he is a clerk, he shall, as county auditor, at once charge such sum to the proper officer, and require its payment into the county treasury.
Sources: Codes, 1880, §§ 2168, 2169; 1892, §§ 334, 335; 1906, §§ 355, 356; Hemingway's 1917, §§ 3728, 3729; 1930, §§ 302, 303; 1942, §§ 3010, 3011.