§ 21-1-51. Automatic by failure to hold official meetings or municipal general election of officers.
Whenever the municipal authorities of any municipality shall fail to hold official meetings for a period of twelve consecutive months, or whenever municipal general elections of officers shall not be held in any municipal corporation as required by law upon two consecutive occasions, then such municipal corporation shall be automatically abolished, and its rights and powers as a municipal corporation shall cease and determine. The official minute book of the municipality shall be the sole evidence of whether any official meetings were held in such municipal corporation during any twelve month period, except in cases of fraud or falsification, and abolition of the municipality shall result automatically where the official minute book fails to show a record of any official meetings during such twelve month period. In cases of the failure to hold municipal general elections of officers on two consecutive occasions, the records in the office of the secretary of state as to whether or not returns of such elections were made to him as required by law shall be the sole evidence of whether such elections were held, except in cases of fraud, falsification, loss of such records or clear and patent mistake, oversight, or omission.
Sources: Codes, 1892, § 2919; 1906, § 3310; Hemingway's 1917, § 5807; 1930, § 2383; 1942, § 3374-22; Laws, 1910, ch. 199; Laws, 1950, ch. 491, § 22, eff from and after July 1, 1950.