§ 21-27-91. Definitions.
Whenever used in Sections 21-27-91 through 21-27-103:
(a) The term "municipality" shall be defined as it is in subdivision (a) of Section 21-27-11;
(b) The term "system" shall be defined as including any waterworks system, water supply system, sewage system, sewage disposal system, or any combination thereof, including any combined waterworks and sewage system, consisting of an existing waterworks system or water supply system or both, combined with an existing sewage system or sewage disposal system or both, or consisting of an existing waterworks system or water supply system or both, combined with a sewage system or sewage disposal system or both, to be acquired, or consisting of an existing sewage system or sewage disposal system or both, combined with a waterworks system or water supply system or both, to be acquired, gas producing, generating, transmission or distribution system, or any one or all thereof, electric generating, transmission, or distribution system, garbage disposal system, rubbish disposal system, and incinerators, and all parts and appurtenances thereof.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 3519-41; Laws, 1956, ch 395, § 1.