§ 21-29-5. Creation of City Employees Retirement Fund; election to come under provisions of article.
In every municipality of the State of Mississippi, operating under a commission form of government as of March 31, 1948, and having a population of twenty-one thousand or more, according to the 1940 federal census, and in every municipality bordering on tide water and having a population of more than fifteen thousand, it shall be the duty of the governing body of said municipality to create and maintain a fund known as the "City Employees Retirement Fund," which shall be maintained for the benefits of certain city employees hereinafter named and which shall be derived, raised and administered in the manner hereinafter provided.
In any municipality coming under the provisions of this article, upon a petition signed by twenty per cent of the qualified electors of such municipality, protesting against the operation of this article and petitioning for an election thereon to determine whether a majority of the qualified electors of such municipality desire for such municipality to come from under the terms of this article, providing such petition is filed with the governing body of such municipality by July 29, 1948, the municipal authorities of such municipality shall call an election by August 28, 1948, after giving notice for three consecutive weeks, as to whether the municipality desires to come from under the provisions of this article. At said election, the ballots used by the qualified electors shall read: "For the Retirement Fund for the City Employees," "Against the Retirement Fund for the City Employees." Said election shall be held as such other elections of like nature, and if at such election a majority of those participating thereat shall vote against the retirement fund for the city employees, then this article shall not apply to such municipality. If no petition is filed as above provided, the governing body of said municipality shall by August 28, 1948, pass the required ordinance to begin the operation of said retirement system in accordance with the provisions hereof.
Sources: Codes, 1942, §§ 3652.3-03, 3652.3-04; Laws, 1948, ch. 386, §§ 3, 4.