§ 21-33-89. Tax levy for street and cemetery purposes in certain municipalities.
The governing authorities of any municipality having a population of less than one thousand, according to the last federal census, shall have the power and authority, in their discretion, to assess, levy and collect an additional ad valorem tax on all of the taxable property in such municipality of not exceeding two mills on the dollar for street maintenance, upkeep and construction purposes, and/or an additional ad valorem tax on all of the taxable property in such municipality of not exceeding two mills on the dollar for cemetery improvement, upkeep and maintenance purposes, which said taxes shall be in addition to all other taxes now authorized by law. However, such taxes shall not be levied unless and until the levy thereof has been approved by a majority of the qualified voters of such municipality voting in an election to be held for such purpose, notice of which election shall be given in some newspaper having a general circulation in such municipality not less than twenty nor more than thirty days prior to such election; one publication of such notice shall be sufficient. No consideration for homestead exemption refunds shall be considered in connection with the assessment and levy provided herein.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 3374-166; Laws, 1946, ch. 439; Laws, 1950, ch. 491, § 166, eff from and after July 1, 1950.