§ 21-41-3. Kind of improvements authorized.
The following local improvements may be constructed hereunder, to wit:
(a) Streets, highways, boulevards, avenues, squares, lanes, alleys and parks, or any part thereof may be opened, reopened, widened, graded, regraded, paved, repaved, surfaced, resurfaced, and curbs and gutters may be constructed or reconstructed therein.
(b) Sidewalks may be graded, regraded and leveled, laid, relaid, paved, repaved, surfaced or resurfaced.
(c) Water mains, water connections, sanitary disposal systems, sanitary sewers, storm covers, and other surface drains or drainage systems may be laid, relaid, and constructed or reconstructed.
(d) A project for which a certificate of public convenience and necessity has been obtained by the municipality pursuant to the Regional Economic Development Act.
Sources: Codes, 1930, § 2559; 1942, § 3664-02; Laws, 1924, ch. 194; Laws, 1950, ch. 495, § 2; Laws, 2000, 2nd Ex Sess, ch. 1, § 19, eff from and after passage (approved Aug. 30, 2000.)