§ 21-41-5. Resolution; notice of meeting to consider objections.
When the governing authorities of any municipality shall determine to make any local or special improvement, the cost of which or any part thereof is to be assessed against the property benefited, they shall adopt a resolution declaring necessary the proposed improvement describing the nature and extent of the work, the general character of the material to be used, and the location and terminal points of the streets, highways, boulevards, avenues, squares, alleys or parks, or parts thereof, or clearly define the boundary of areas in which said improvements are to be made. In publishing said resolution declaring the work necessary, the plans and specifications of said work need not be published but may be referred to as being on file in the office of the city clerk or city engineer. The publication of the resolution may be made as provided in Section 21-17-19. Said resolution shall fix a date when the governing authorities of said municipality shall meet, which shall be not less than fifteen (15) days after the date of the first publication of the notice herein provided for, to hear any objections or remonstrances that may be made to said improvements. The notice herein provided for shall be published once each week for three (3) successive publications in a public newspaper having a general circulation in the municipality, and if no newspaper is published therein it shall be sufficient to post said notice in three (3) public places of the municipality for not less than fifteen (15) days before said meeting, one which shall be posted at the town or city hall of said municipality. Moreover, the clerk of the municipality shall send a copy of the notice, by certified mail, postage prepaid, within five (5) days after the first publication of the notice herein provided for, to the last-known address of owners of property affected by the resolution. However, failure of the clerk to mail such notice or failure of the owner to receive such notice shall not invalidate any proceeding in this chapter, where such notice has been published as provided herein. Notice declaring the work necessary shall be notice to the property owners that the work has been declared necessary.
If the governing authorities of a municipality desire to make any special or local improvement under the Regional Economic Development Act, the governing authorities also shall comply with any requirements provided therein.
Sources: Codes, 1930, § 2560; 1942, § 3664-03; Laws, 1924, ch. 194; Laws, 1936, ch. 284; Laws, 1950, ch. 495, § 3; Laws, 1958, ch. 522; Laws, 1988, ch. 457, § 9; Laws, 2000, 2nd Ex Sess, ch. 1, § 20, eff from and after passage (approved Aug. 30, 2000.)