§ 21-7-11. Powers of council; surety bond of officers and employees.
The full and complete executive and legislative powers of the municipality as vested by law, or inherent, shall be vested in such council. The council, however, may delegate such of its administrative functions as it deems proper and necessary to such officials so elected by it as provided in Section 21-7-15, and in addition may delegate administrative powers and functions to such other person or persons as may be selected by said council in order to carry out its functions, whether municipal or proprietary, which would permit the efficient administration of its municipal affairs. Said council has the right to select, appoint or designate departmental heads, such as but not limited to superintendent of utilities, superintendent of public health and sanitation, superintendent of fire and safety, superintendent of parks and recreation, superintendent of public buildings and grounds, and such other departmental heads as the council may deem best and proper. Said council has the power to fix the compensation of all such persons so selected and to define their duties, obligations and responsibilities. The council shall also require all officers and employees handling or having the custody of any public funds of such city to give bond, with sufficient surety, to be payable, conditioned and approved as provided by law, in an amount to be determined by the council (which shall not be less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00)). Any and all such persons so selected shall be accountable to the council and shall make report, or reports, to the council so often as is required of them respectively, and may be removed at any time for cause after first having been given an opportunity for a hearing on the reasons for removal. No member of the council shall be eligible for selection to any such office or position.
Sources: Codes, 1942, § 3825.7-07; Laws, 1948, ch. 382 § 7; Laws, 1986, ch. 458, § 24; Laws, 1988, ch. 488, § 4, eff from and after passage (approved April 30, 1988).